Movie: "From Hell It Came", Actress: Tina Carver, Rating: 2 out of 3
Movie: "From Hell It Came", Actress: Susan Ridgeway, Rating: 2 out of 3
Movie: "Necrophagus", Actress: Titania Clement, Rating: 2 out of 3
Series: "099 Central", episode: #7, Actress: Nancy Duplaa, Rating: 2 out of 3
Movie: "Hard Times For Dracula", Actress: Sylva Koscina, Rating: 3 out of 5
Series: "Dark Shadows", Episode(s): 501/502, Actress: Nancy Barrett, Rating: 4-5 out of 5
Movie: "The Monster Maker", Actress: Wanda McKay, Rating: 2 out of 5
Series: "Green Hornet", Episode "Corpse Of The Year", Actress: Wende Wagner, Rating: 2 out of 5