Movie: "Billy The Kid vs. Dracula", Actress: Melinda Plowman, Rating: 4 out of 5
Movie: "Werewolf At The Snack Bar", Actress: ??, Rating: 2 out of 5
Movie "Chained Heat II", Actress: Kari Whitman (?), Rating 3 out of 5
"Wolf´s Rain", Episode ???, Rating 3 out of 5
Movie: "I-Man", Actress: Cindy Higgins, Rating: 2 out of 5
Movie: "The Mummy", Actress: Yvonne Furneaux, Rating 4 out of 5
Movie "Earth Girls Are Easy", Actress: Geena Davis, Rating 3 out of 5
Dr. Who "The Ark In Space", Actress: Elizabeth Sladen, Rating: 2out of 3