Movie: "Marquise", Actress: Sophie Marceau, Rating: 4 out of 5
(thanks to taohui again *g*)
Movie/Series: ???, Actress: ???, Rating: 3 out of 5
Movie: "El Conde Dracula", Actress: Maria Rohm, Rating: 2 out of 3
Movie: "Beyond The Darkness", Actress: Cinzia Monreale, Rating: 2 out of 3
(thanks to taohui for the scene and to Allan for additional information !)
Movie: "Fear Chamber", Actress: Eva Muller ???, Rating: 3 out of 5
Movie: "Freezing Evil" ???, Actress: ???, Rating: 3 out of 5
(thanks to taohui)
Movie: "Hideaway", Actress; Alicia Silverstone, Rating: 2 out of 5
Movie: "City Of Evil" (asian), Actress: Li Jia Xing, Rating: 2 out of 5
(thanks to taohui)